
Meet Sam!


August 2024 

Sam is a 44-year-old man who sustained a required brain injury from a motorbike accident in early 2022.

eQuality Support have been providing support to Sam, since he was discharged from hospital in March 2023. Sam’s injury has had a significant impact on his daily life. With the unconditional love and support from his wife Kate and their 3 daughters, Mia, Zoe and Leni, Sam continues to be highly motivated and hardworking.

Within the last 16 months of supporting Sam, his made incredible progress.


Sam has progressed to consuming foods and fluids orally, no longer needing a PEG tube.

Sam regularly attends his daughter’s (Mia) netball games weekly
Participates in family dinners twice a week without supports
Attending family events
Watching the CATS play at GMHBA
Visiting the gym weekly with his housemate
Assisting with meal preparation

At the beginning of supporting Sam, his verbal communication was limited. With on-going appointments and his dedication to completing his exercises, Sam can now effectively communicate his needs and wants with his family and support workers, greatly improving his daily interactions.

It has been a journey watching Sam progress his independence and reach milestones, whether they are big or small. Sam continues to make everyone around him smile and laugh with his charismatic personality.

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